
Smoothie Queen

Yesterday was cardio-day, thankfully, no Jillian Michaels bossing me around, haha!! Rusty and I decided to go for a run, which surprisingly is something we hadn't done in quite a while. After running the half-marathon in December, I haven't been running as much as I used to. My focus has shifted on weight training and circuit training, with some running in the mix but no where near as much as before. So, to switch things up a bit it was time for a run outside and far far away from the treadmill! 

It was such a beautiful day for a run around campus! After the run we decided to keep the cardio going by chatting it up with a walk through campus! Walking through campus really brought back memories of freshmen year in college, specially strolling by this place

I used to get a smoothie from Smoothie King daily, it was one of my daily snacks *yikes* I  could sucked those suckers down like nobody's bisnazzz. Oh and did I mention... I never once got the smallest serving size they offered. There I was naively thinking that I was making such a "healthy" decision. Boy was I in a surprise when I found their smoothies nutritional stats!! 

Keep in mind that those stats are for their smallest serving size. Since Angel Food was my favorite smoothie, on average I was ingesting 531 calories from one of my "healthy" daily snacks! I always question how I was so fooled to think that they were a healthy snack (maybe as meal replacements they make sense), guess I was just ignorant. So be wary of smoothies, they may pack in more calories that you expect.

But no more do I pay Mr. Smoothie King a visit, I am know a Smoothie Queen and choose to make my own smoothies. I know  Kalli loves to make her own smoothies as well she always celebrates with a Smoothie Friday! 
Like today's rockin' Strawberry Banana Smoothie (you bet it is beats Smoothie King's butt) 

Have you ever been fooled by a product that you thought was healthy but turned out it was not? 

What old unhealthy habits have you kicked to the curb? 


  1. did you notice in your cloud picture they are all curving one way. it's a really cool picture!!!

  2. Good job with the cardio! Even better that you had a running buddy

  3. Hey love!!!

    I know, hummus and egg whites is delish!!!! Think Im having that combo for lunch again!!!

    Oh I know, those smoothies pack the calories and sugar!!!! I used to get Jamba Juice all the time and kicked that habit because they were so bad for you, but oh tasted so good, lol!

    love ya girl!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Oh man, restaurants always fool me unless they post the calorie counts! I am working on kicking the splenda/artificial sweetener habit.
    It is nice to hear that someone is not neglecting their strength training, but I am glad you got out for a run on such a beautiful day!

  5. great habit to kick! making your own smoothies is wonderful :) remember to celebrate smoothie firday with me!
    glad you had a great cardio sesh-i ran too yesterday :)

  6. Starbucks "reduced fat" pastries (before they revamped them) are not as great as they'd seem! And I no longer buy huge iced caramel macchiatos anymore... mostly for the sake of my wallet :-)

  7. haaaa, I used to drink Jamba all day because I thought it was healthy, plus I always got the larger cups too, OH and the frapps. Dead wrong, full of sugar and cals. Now, I just stick to starbucks hot coffee.

  8. I'm so glad you had a nice run - it's wonderful to take your workout outside, isn't it? :)

    I've been deceived by a similar smoothie chain (Jamba Juice) before. They have "healthier" smoothies now, but they're still PACKED with calories! The best smoothies are the ones you make yourself, anyway :)

  9. I used to be addicted to Starbucks Fraps-- I would tell myself it's ok to have them daily because I was getting the 'lite' ones! haha so silly : )
