Hello Blogoshphere!!!!
I cannot believe I am finally writing my first post! I have been a follower of many healthy-living blogs for quite some time and have always wanted to create my own blog. The ladies (Tina, Gina, Kath, Bobbi, Meg, and many others) that I follow have honestly been an inspiration to me, and it has encouraged me to become part of this lovely community. This is so exciting! But enough of my first-day jitters :)
Let me tell you a little bit about me :) I am currently attending UCF (Orlando, Florida) and doing my last semester. I will be a graduate in less than 3 months, it is crazy how time flies!! Although I am super excited to graduate, there is just something so scary about CHANGE. I have been living in Orlando for 4 years, it is weird not knowing where I will be in a couple of months. I have applied to various law schools but I am still waiting to hear from them :( I try not to let this stress me out, we can't always have complete control over every situation in our lives, right? And that's what makes life such an adventure, you never know what you are going to get.
Trying to live a healthy and active life-style as a college student has not been an easy task. I am sure all of you know how tempting it is for a college student (or anyone in general) just to order a pizza rather than make a healthy home-cooked meal, or spend nights out with friends guzzling down beer and doing some more "pizza" eating ;) hehe. As difficult as it has been I have learned to incorporate healthy-living choices in my everyday life, and hope to share my "Active Adventure" with all of you :)
Yay! Welcome to the blog world!