
Apple Pie B-fast and Green Monster Salad

 Tis' Thursday cuties!!

How was your Hump-Day? Mine was not too shabby ;) The gym visit rocked! I focused on legs and did 2 miles of interval running on the treadmill. As soon as I was done with the workout, I made it a point to really stretch out legs because lately they have been hurting. Although I am not a fan of stretching, I have come to realize that it makes the world of difference when you stretch. That is why I am making an attempt to stretch a lot more and incorporate yoga to my workout routine. I blame many of my running injuries on my lack of flexibility. Through yoga I know I will stretch a lot more and hopefully in the long run improve my flexibility :)  Check out this article that talks about the yoga benefits of flexibility.

I met up with an uncle from Colombia. He came to Miami for a dermatologist conference and look at all the goodies he got my mom and I!  Talk about skin care heaven :) 

This morning my sweet tooth was kicking, so I decided on an apple pie yogurt mess! 

  • caramelized apples (sprinkled some cinnamon and popped them in the microwave for 1 minute) 
  • Greek Yogurt 
  • Crumbled Apple Pie Larabar 
  • Agave 
It was so good!  The mix of the warm apple, cold yogurt, and crunchy Larabar were just divine. 

For lunch I was in the mood for some greens (literally). I made a delicious and hearty Green Salad: 

  • cucumber 
  • spinach
  • celery 
  • tuna 
  • salt & lots of pepper 
I made my own kick-ass dressing! (some agave, lemon juice, olive oil, salt, and pepper).

Well chicas I am off to run some errands. Hope you are having an awesome Thursday!!! 


  1. yes stretching and yoga are the key to staying well while working out. if i do not do yoga as well as run/bike i feel so awful.....your b-fast looks great too!
    have a good night:)

  2. Great workout! I can't wait to spend time doing yoga and stretching... time to let the cardio dog lie for a bit, I think!

    LOVE those pretzel crisps... so addicting!

  3. Awesome breakfast and lunch! I just love larabars. They have the best crumbly texture! Have a wonderful day!!

  4. I love the pretzel crisps=they are so good!

  5. your breakfast sounds GREAT! i adore pretzel crisps w. hummus.. soo yummy!

  6. Could not agree more with your thoughts on stretching! I always go and do yoga the day after I run a race or just do a longer run and it makes a WORLD of difference. What a great breakfast. The apples look jamming. Enjoy your weekend

  7. I'm terrible at stretching but working on it! I love your breakfast- it looks like a great dessert!

  8. i love baking aples in the micro. nice skin product swag!!
